domingo, noviembre 19, 2006


I'm not used to writing in my second language specially in my blog, but this one is for someone who only refered to me in this language. Tracy Easter, my boss, my bro, one of the greatest friends a 17 years old girl could look for in a 38 years old man. Trace I'm goanna miss you, your worthless tries to speak correct spanish, your mouse like laugh. EVERYTHING you blond, blue eyed bastard... This pass few months working with you were one of the best times of my life... you were there when the boat was sinking and you didn't let me drown.
Our personal jokes, me the woman, you the child... the times we got drunk together are piceless, and the fact that we trusted eachother doesn't compare to anything I've ever felt. You were my dad's best friend and thanks to u I got to understand him a bit better. In a nut shell... TAHNK YOU!!! I hope you and God have some good plans for me... See ya in heaven Boss!!! LOVE YA!

5 comentarios:

alfonso dijo...


hilda dijo...


Ayi dijo...

No será tu primer idioma pero te desenvuelves muy bien en el mismo... me encanta tu forma de ser... cuidate!

DrLacxos dijo...

hey pero lo escribes muy bien!!!, diablo debes de enseñarme a mi!!!!

please i want to learn how you can writte perfecly.

jajaja, muy bueno pasar pro aki como siempre!!!!

Alguien dijo...

es agradable ver a las personas cuando aprecian a otras personas, tu jefe tuvo una buena compañera de trabajo :-)